Dean Allison MP
A graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University with a degree in Economics, Dean established himself in the Niagara and Hamilton area through working for a major franchise organization and eventually starting
and running a number of successful businesses in Southern Ontario.
In addition to his successful business career, Dean served his
community as President of the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation, as President of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce,
as a Director of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and as a board
member of Junior Achievement in Niagara.
Dean is also a founding member of the Dave Thomas Adoption Foundation in Canada and the Belarus Children of Chernobyl program
that brings children affected by the Chernobyl disaster to Canada.
Dean Allison was elected as the first MP for the newly formed riding
of Niagara West-Glanbrook on June 28, 2004, and was re-elected
with resounding majorities in the 2006, 2008, 2011 and 2015 general elections. On October 21, 2019 Dean began his sixth term as the MP
for the riding of Niagara West.
During his tenure on parliament hill, Dean has served in many
capacities in addition to being the Member of Parliament for
Niagara West.
Parliamentary Roles
Shadow Minister for International Trade
Shadow Minister for
Critic for Seniors
Parliamentary Committees
Chair, Scrutiny of Regulations
Chair, Public Accounts
Chair, Foreign Affairs & International Development
Chair, Human Resources, Skills & Social Development
Chair, Liaison
Parliamentary Associations
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
Canadian Section of ParlAmericas
Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association
Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe Assembly
Canada-Isreal Parliamentary Association
Canada-China Legislative Association
Canadian Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
Canada-Japan Interparlimentary Group
Canada-United States Interparlimentary Group
Canada-United Kingdom Interparlimentary Association
Canada-Ireland Interparlimentary Group
Canada-Italy Interparlimentary Group

Dean Allison MP
A graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University with a degree in Economics, Dean established himself in the Niagara and Hamilton area through working for a major franchise organization and eventually starting
and running a number of successful businesses in Southern Ontario.
In addition to his successful business career, Dean served his
community as President of the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation, as President of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce,
as a Director of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and as a board
member of Junior Achievement in Niagara.
Dean is also a founding member of the Dave Thomas Adoption Foundation in Canada and the Belarus Children of Chernobyl program
that brings children affected by the Chernobyl disaster to Canada.
Dean Allison was elected as the first MP for the newly formed riding
of Niagara West-Glanbrook on June 28, 2004, and was re-elected
with resounding majorities in the 2006, 2008, 2011 and 2015 general elections. On October 21, 2019 Dean began his sixth term as the MP
for the riding of Niagara West.
During his tenure on parliament hill, Dean has served in many
capacities in addition to being the Member of Parliament for
Niagara West.
Parliamentary Roles
Shadow Minister for International Trade
Shadow Minister for
Critic for Seniors
Parliamentary Committees
Chair, Scrutiny of Regulations
Chair, Public Accounts
Chair, Foreign Affairs & International Development
Chair, Human Resources, Skills & Social Development
Chair, Liaison
Parliamentary Associations
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
Canadian Section of ParlAmericas
Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association
Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe Assembly
Canada-Isreal Parliamentary Association
Canada-China Legislative Association
Canadian Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
Canada-Japan Interparlimentary Group
Canada-United States Interparlimentary Group
Canada-United Kingdom Interparlimentary Association
Canada-Ireland Interparlimentary Group
Canada-Italy Interparlimentary Group

The residents of Niagara West deserve competent, honest and accountable government. That’s what motivated me to become politically active and is still the reason that I am proud to be your MP. I am honoured that you continue to place your trust in me to represent your views in Ottawa,
and I take this responsibility very seriously.
Each day in the House of Commons, Members of Parliament are tasked with the duty of developing, debating and voting on legislation that effects all Canadians.
As your elected representative,
I will always keep your best interests at the forefront
in making these important decisions.
I encourage you to contact my office for any information
or assistance you may require in dealing with the federal government and its many agencies, or just to simply voice your comments and concerns.
Dean and his staff are here to help.
As your Member of Parliament, Dean and his staff, both in Ottawa and the constituency, are working hard to serve the people of Niagara West.
The Parliamentary office team is dedicated to assisting Dean with all of his parliamentary duties and functions, both in relation to his duties as the Member of Parliament from Niagara West, and in the House of Commons and in Standing Committees.
The Constituency office team is dedicated to serving constituents from all corners of the riding in navigating through federal government services, helping to arrange meetings with Dean and coordinate greetings and congratulatory certificates for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, grand openings, etc.
Should you need assistance with any matter related to the federal government, you are encouraged to contact Dean’s office toll free at 1.877.309.3326 or by email at
for assistance with:
Canada Pension Plan
Canadian Revenue Agency
Citizenship & Immigration
Employment Insurance
Passports & Foreign Affairs
Social Insurance Numbers
Veteran’s Issues
Greetings or Commemorative Requests
Obtaining Canadian flags, stickers and pins for travel abroad
Commissioner of Oaths for taking affidavits

Member of Parliament for Niagara west
Dean Allison was elected as the first MP for the riding of Niagara West-Glanbrook on June 28, 2004, and was re-elected with resounding majorities in the 2006, 2008, 2011, 2015 and 2019 general elections. On September 20, 2021 Dean began his seventh term as the MP for the riding of Niagara West.
A graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University with
a degree in Economics, Dean established himself in the Hamilton and Niagara area through accumulating businesses and working for a major franchise organization.
He served his community as President of the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation, as President of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, a Director of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and board member of Junior Achievement in Niagara. Allison is also a founding member of the Dave Thomas Adoption Foundation in Canada and the Belarus Children of Chernobyl program that brings children affected by the Chernobyl disaster to Canada.
With regard to his parliamentary duties,
Dean has served as Shadow Minister for International Trade and has chaired the Human Resources, Skills Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities committee, the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, and a member of the Standing Committee on International Trade. He also chaired the Liaison Committee for almost 10 years. Additionally, former Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Dean to the Red Tape Reduction Commission which released an influential report on the relationship between government and
the private sector.
As a committed advocate for his constituents, Dean works tirelessly on their behalf and can often be found at community events and meetings in the riding. Through his efforts, hundreds of individuals and numerous businesses have seen positive results.
Dean is also the host of the weekly television show "The Hill Update" on the News Forum Broadcast station and can be viewed on Bell, Rogers, Telus and Sasktel networks across the country..